Friday, June 21, 2013

Flyer Helps Promote a Perfect Date

In 2009, the MarriedLife ministry of the North Point Community Church started the Great Date Experience, a project that encourages married couples to preserve date night. The mission is to help people experience the individual growth necessary for a healthy marriage.

For one recent promotion, MarriedLife collaborated with its distributor partner and decided to use a red flying disc with the Great Date Experience logo in white. The flip side contained a two-sided pop-out paper disc insert that featured two date nights: a perfect summer day and a hot summer night.

The church has five campuses and 30,000 members. The target audience for this project was 4,000 to 5,000 married couples across all campuses. The Summer Fun Date was distributed in the month of August on Sunday mornings before and after services. Tables were outside of the auditoriums of all five campuses.

The flyer even captured the attention of kids, who picked it up and said they would make sure that their parents went out and had fun. That extra participation increased the audience by 1,000. Beyond the buzz, it was the most popular date experience in three years.
If you're interested in creating a memorable campaign or promotional event, contact your ad specialty distributor for perfect products and winning ideas that are sure to pump up participation.
"Successful Promotions"